Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006


This story is for Halloween and for my dear friend Daisy's Halloween storys blog. I copied this story off of this website. I grew up with this story. We use to say if you turn the lights out at night and look into a mirror and say 3 times-"I don't believe in the Bell Witch", then when you woke up in the morning you would have scratches all over your face. Did it happen? I don't know, what do you think?


According to the annals of supernatural history, the story of the Bell Witch started in 1817 when the Bell family, prosperous farmers from Tennessee, began experiencing strange phenomena in their home. First, the house was plagued with knocking and rapping noises and scratching sounds.
Blankets were pulled from beds, family members were kicked and scratched and their hair pulled. Particularly tormented was a 12-year-old Betsy Bell, who was slapped, pinched, bruised and stuck with pins. At first, John Bell was determined to keep the events secret, but soon confided in a friend , who then formed an investigative committee. John Bell's friends soon learned that the strange force in the house had an eerie intelligence. It soon found a voice and from that day on. . .was seldom silent.The spirit identified itself as the "witch" of Kate Batts, a neighbors of the Bell's, with whom John had experienced bad business dealings over some purchased slaves. "Kate" as the local people began calling her, made daily appearances in the Bell home, wreaking havoc on everyone there. People all over the area of soon learned of the witch and she made appearances, in sounds and voices, all over Robertson County.The ghost became so famous that even General Andrew Jackson decided to visit. He too experienced the antics of the witch and his carriage wheels refused to turn until the witch decided to let them.
John Bell fell victim to bouts of strange illness, to which "Kate" claimed responsibility. While he was sick in bed, the spirit cursed and prodded him, never allowing him to rest. One day, he went to bed and never recovered. He was found senseless in his bed one morning and a strange bottle was found nearby. Bell's breath smelled of the black liquid in the bottle, so a drop of it was placed on the tongue of a cat. . .the animal dropped dead. John Bell soon followed suit and "Kate" screamed in triumph. She even made her presence known at his funeral, laughing, cursing and singing as the poor man was buried."Kate" didn't vanish immediately after the death of her proclaimed enemy though. She stayed around, threatening Betsy Bell to not marry the man that she truly loved, Joshua Gardner. The witch would never say why, but she did allow the girl to later marry the local schoolteacher, Richard Powell. "Kate" soon left the family but promised to return in seven years. She did come back and plagued the family again for two weeks. Before departing, she appeared at the home of John Bell Jr. and made a number of predictions that Bell recorded. The warning proved true, reflecting the Civil War and the later World Wars of the next century. "Kate" said that she would return again 107 years later, in 1935, but the year came and went without incident.Who was the Bell Witch? Was she really a ghost, who claimed to be connected to a living person? Or did the resentment and the hatred of the real Kate Batts create an entity of it's own? Or could the haunting have been poltergeist activity linked to Betsy Bell? No one will ever know for sure. . .but whoever, or whatever, the Bell Witch was, many believe that she has never left Adams, Tennessee at all.
The sinister Bell Witch Cave lies hidden on the side of a bluff on the former property of the fated John Bell family
Located near where the Bell Farm once stood and near the old family cemetery, where many of the Bell's still rest, is what has become known as the Bell Witch Cave. The cave has no real connection to the legend of the witch but it is located on property once owned by the Bell family. Many in Robertson County believe that when the witch departed, she fled to the sanctuary of this cave. Whether the Bell Witch is here or not.... the cave is a very haunted place.The former owner of the cave, a man named Bill Edens reported that strange events still went on in the cave and near the home that he had built on the bluff where the cave can be found. The steep incline over the Red River hides a narrow path that leads down to the cave. Strange figures have been reported here and knocking sounds and poltergeist-like events still take place in the house. The current owners, Chris and Walter Kirby, still open the cave for tourists and they too report that eerie events sometimes take place in the house and in the cave itself. Chris Kirby recalls several occasions when she and visitors in the cave have seen strange apparitions and have heard unexplained sounds, coming from deep in the hidden corners of the cave.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rainbow and art

This was the beautiful rainbow that popped up friday afternoon. We had a very rainy day on friday, but by late afternoon the sun tried to pop out and this is what occurred. Daniel called me on the way home from work and told me to go outside and check it out. I love rainbows.
Friday night the wind really kicked up and all of the wet leaves were blowing around and finally settled into my yard. So guess what we will be doing today and tomorrow? Yep,,raking and blowing and mulching the leaves. I rake a lot of them into some of my flower beds that has bulbs that need protecting for the winter. Tonight we will build a bonfire in our firebowl and sit by the pond and enjoy Autumn's chill. I am hoping my kids will come out tonight, but week-ends are times to spend running around with their friends, so not sure they will make it out. I don't remember hanging with my parents on the week-ends too much at their age either, lol. Now that Kyle is working full time and Kalyn is in college full time, week-ends are for having fun. But I know the day will come when they will settle down with a family and I will see more of them then. They do call me a lot though, just to tell me they love me, so that works just fine for me.

Yesterday I stayed home with a slight stomach virus. I feel much better today. I was able to get several winter postcards done for a swap that I am in.
Also I got my dear friend, Maryellen's ATCs in the mail. She sent me some more and I love her art, very talented. Here are the ATCs that she sent me yesterday.

I Love all three of them. The cats are so sweet,,the look on the little gray striped one is so neat. I love the middle one because of the black and white background and then the colorful flowers, and I always love anything Asian. You did wonderful Maryellen,,,thanks again!
I sent out the Halloween ATCs from the swap I hosted. I mailed them out on Thursday, hoping every one will get theirs in time for Halloween. Here are some of the cards that were in the swap.

Are they not so cool? These are the artists who sent them, starting from top left-Judy D. Jane W., Jeanie C., Rosemary A., Vicci H., and Beth Mc. My Mom also participated but I had already sent hers to others so dummy me didn't get them scanned,,sorry Mom :-(
Below are some ATCs that I recently got back from an ATC Leaf themed swap.
Aren't they so colorful? I do love the Fall swaps! I also received my Formica chip sample swap back too. I received 2 lovely chips!

I Love these too! They are both so unique. I didn't know the artists that did these but they are truly talented!
So last of all I am going to post a pic of a project that I sent to a very special artist.
Her name is Bernie Berlin, and her blog is "A place to bark". She is pretty well known in the Altered Arts and Mixed Media world. But the best part of what Bernie does most of the time does not involve art. It involves animals. She is originally from Milwalkee and started rescuing animals in that state several years ago. Last year she moved to Tennessee, she lives a couple of counties north of where I live. Well when she moved here, boy, was her work cut out for her here. We have so many people here who do not believe in neutering or spaying their animals. They simply let them run loose and then when they have puppies or kittens, well they just take them and dump them. Also a lot of animals are abused here too. Its very sickening. But they do have a Angel when it comes to Bernie. She gets animals that are so abused or neglected, and she trys to heal them, physically and emotionally. Some she can save, unfortunately she gets some that she cannot save. The ones she saves, she finds homes for them. She will load up a truck and take them to various cities where other shelters have found people to adopt them. Its just amazing what all she does to help the animals.
She is going to have a fundraiser auction on November 5-15th on e-bay. With all the proceeds going to her animal rescues. She asked that art be donated to her and it weighed heavily on my heart to contribute.
My piece is no where near close to the wonderful pieces she will be receiving from some of her very famous artist friends such as Claudine Hellmuth, Michael DeMeng, and many, many more. But I wrote her a letter that I sent with the piece and told her even if she didn't get anything for it, maybe she could at least give to someone who helps her out a lot with the animals. I just wanted to do something to help. I am also going to try to bid on some of the pieces that she auctions off. I hope a lot of kind folks will do this too. Anyhoo, here is the piece that I did. Its not the best pic of it,,but maybe you can tell a little about it.

It looks a little bowed in the pic, but its not. It is on a 9 x 12 canvas panel. I love this picture. Its one of my favorites. I just wanted to post about this auction because it is dear to my heart. I know a lot of my blogger friends are animal lovers. So please, if you would, pass on the word about her auction on your blogs. Go look at her blog,"A place to bark" some of the pictures are heartbreaking , but you will fall in love with the precious babies that she rescues. She was involved in helping bust a puppy mill here last week-end. They found so many animals in very poor conditions, and they lady that was running it was arrested , thank God!
I guess I better get off of here now and go work on some more postcards and other projects. I am giving the leaves time to dry out a bit, then I will be on yard duty this afternoon, lol.
I hope every one has a wonderful week-end.

Friday, October 27, 2006

My Stuffed bottle!!

Yesterday was a rough day at work and very rainy and gloomy outside. When I got home I had the most excellent surprise waiting on me. It was my 2 litter bottle from my wonderful friend, Vicci. I was so excited and I couldn't believe how stuffed it was with goodies. I just had to sit and admire it for a while,,just a short while. Then I tore into it. I was totally amazed all the wonderful treasures that she had managed to cram into that bottle. I just sat for over an hour "oohing and ahhing" over all the wonderful goodies. She sent so many cool papers for collaging. And stickers, incense, buttons, lace, fibers, and just about any kind of embellishment you would need for collaging and making wonderful art. Here is a pic of the bottle and the basket that is full with all the great goodies she sent to me.

This is on my drying table in the art room, wonderful piece of furniture, and serves a great purpose. The basket with the goodies in it is pretty good size, so you can see how much she had in that bottle, pretty neat huh? I e-mailed her last night and told her it felt like I had been to see her and that she had sent me home with alot of souvenirs from her Art room, which makes it even more special to me. Thanks again Girlie!!
And her stuffed bottle is going into the mail today. I have crammed it full too and I hope she likes all the goodies in it as much as I love mine.
Its pretty early here and I have been up a good bit of the night acting out the pepto bismal commercial. I don't know if its a bug or something I have ingested, but I am not feeling so good. I am staying home today. It will be a great day to stay home as it is suppose to storm, and rain heavily all day. So, if I can feel better, I will try to do some art and stay inside.(except for post office run).
I mailed out the Halloween ATCs yesterday from my swap that I hosted. There were 7 of us in the swap and some excellent ATCs. I hope everyone will enjoy them. I will post pics of mine later this week-end.
Now I am going to go check on more of my blogger buds. Have a great Friday!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Autumns colors

My drive home today was so beautiful. It has been pretty chilly here the past few night and days and it sure has made the leaves turn prettier. Right now is the most perfect time in Autumn here in Tennessee.
Sunday I did alot of art and finished up several deco books and I am working on some postcards for a swap. I have a few details on a quilt art block before it goes into the mail in a few days.
Mondays are always my come home and lay around night,lol. I never do anything on Mondays as I am just pooped out and my body has to get back into the work routine. By Tuesdays I am feeling much better. I am going to work on a few more Postcards and the Quilt art block this evening while Dancing with the Stars is on. I really feel like Mario is going to win,,but you never know.
So, heres a pic of my big dog, Ranger. I don't think I have shown too many pics of him. He is in the back yard and protects it quite well.
Mr. Ranger is a very old grandfather dog. He is around 13 in people age and 91 in dog years. He is part Mastiff and part "who knows". I have had him since he was a pup. He only weighs around 150 lbs, and his head is the size of a pumpkin, so you see why no one comes in my yard if they don't know him. He is very, very gentle, I have never seen him ever try to hurt anyone or anything, just a sweetie. He has slowed down alot now and in the winter months we have to feed him a little arthritus meds or his hips hurt him and he will let you know that by howling.
I don't know how much longer he will be with us, and its really unusual for dogs this large to live this long. I can't imagine our lifes without him. Daniel babys him the most. He always has fresh hay in his manger and new sand in the summer for his summer cooling pit,,lol. He has truly been a wonderful friend to our family.

Last of all today I would like to send my prayers and Love to my dear friend Annie. She lost her loving and precious Mother on sunday. I just found out about it today! I know most of my blogger friends know Annie as I met several of you by going to her links. I cannot imagine what she is going through and I know the day will come when I will be in her shoes, and it makes me feel sick. I can't imagine my life without my Mom in it. God Bless You Sweet Annie!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Super Saturday!

Yesterday was such a wonderful and fun day ! Mom had spent the night on friday night and we stayed up late making some ATCs. Yesterday morning we went to the "Stamp scrap art tour" at the Fairgrounds in Nashville. It was such a beautiful Fall day yesterday too. The leaves are absolutely gorgeous right now, very colorful.
We got to the show and started entering our ATCs into the contest they were having at the show yesterday. As we were doing that a lady came up behind me and asked if I was Beth and guess who it was? My dear friend Rosemary who I have been blogging with for the past several months. It was so wonderful to finally meet face to face. And she is a sweetheart! It felt like I had known her forever!

Rosemary surprised me with a wonderful present that she had made for me. I just love surprises and this one was so special.

It was a envelope that she had made into a lovely fall ATC ! On the flap it says "Open after a Long winter". And inside was the beautiful, intricately carved, red butterfly danglie! It is so pretty and Rosemary told me she had purchased it on one of her trips to Europe. I just LOVE IT! Its hanging on my shelve right in front of where I sit every day in my beloved Art Room! And every time I look at it I will think of my wonderful new friend! I am talking her into going to several of our stampers meetings and classes that Mom and I always go to. She is so talented and her ATCs are wonderful!
Its just so nice to meet a friend whom you have been blogging with and sharing your life stories with for months. You instantly feel so connected! That's why I have enjoyed blogging so much, making such awesome friendships. It helps so much in the every day hectic pace of your life to have a place to share with your friends and to see how their world is spinning.
Ok, I will have to say that I DID NOT buy the stamp show out yesterday. I did buy several cool goodies. One of those being an aluminum embossing kit. Mom and I did a "make and take" at the Marco Papers booth with the aluminum embossing. This is so neat and I plan on making several neat ATCs and Decos using this fun kit. I will post a pic of the "make and take" that we did later this week.
I bought a few unmounted stamps and some glitter and glue. Oh and some neat embossing tape. I didn't have a lot of money to spend yesterday as I have been trying to give a little bit of
$ to my daughter who is in college now. Mom bought me a few goodies too. She is such a great Mom, and she inspires me so much! OH,,and guess who won 3rd place in the ATC contest! My wonderful Mom did. She got $15 in rubber bucks to spend at any vendor at the show! I was so tickled for her. But did I remember to take her picture when she got the rubber bucks,,heck no. Nor did I remember to take a pic of her ATC,,I hate when I have picture lapses. You think back and say "crap, that would have been a great Kodak moment" LOL. I am sorry Mom. :(
They did tell her that the ATC would be on their website soon. I will watch for it and post a link to it when it is. It was so funny because we had brought several ATCs and we both were surprised at the one that won, so you just never know.
We ended up seeing a lot of friends that we stamp with here in Tennessee. We travel to different parts of the state for classes and fun all day workshops and retreats, so you always seem to know a lot of people at these shows. I was a little surprised at the low turn out for it though. I thought it would be really crowded but it wasn't.
My friend Chris who owns our local stamping store had a booth at the show. Her store is called Papermoon. We take classes from at her store and have spent many, many bucks at her shop. Its about one of the only stamp and scrapbooking shops in Nashville.
After we were wore out from walking around and spending our money, we left with several wonderful new toys. Driving home in the warm, sunshiny, day and looking at the wonderful colors of the trees on the interstate, I was thinking how much fun it was to spend the day with my Mom and meet my friend Rosemary, and spend money. Life just doesn't get any better than this.
I hope all of my blogger friends have had a great week-end too!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wild weather!

This was a fabric postcard that I finished today. Its my first time to participate in a swapbot swap. I just love this pic and I used it in another art project this week too.
The weather has been so strange here, but thats about par for the course in Tennessee. There is a saying here that "if you don't like the weather now, stick around, in a few hours it will change" and that is the truth.
All week-end it was really chilly and frosty at night. Then yesterday is was pretty chilly high around 60 and rainy. Then last night the winds got up to 25-30 mph and rained so hard(2 inches). The temp rose during the night. It was cloudy most of the the day but then by afternoon the sun came out and it got up to the mid 70s. Tonight the lows are only in the mid 60s, highs tomorrow low 80s. Rain coming in Thursday and back chilly again.
I stayed home with some serious sinus problems. So dizzy yesterday and having some bad headaches. I guess this crazy weather doesn't help.
I am watching "Dancing with the stars" tonight. Sara Evans had to drop out do to a pretty nasty divorce. She lives right outside of Nashville, in Franklin. Her divorce is so terrible,,alot of stuff in the papers about it. Evidently Hubby had a porn problem, and infidilities. Today the paper said he had wiped out several of their bank accounts. I feel pretty bad for her, 3 kids too.
Well I guess I am going to go chill for awhile, my head has started hurting again too.
I hope everyone has a wonderful night!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fires, Fall, and Friendship!

How about a little bonfire for a nice Fall evening? Well thats what Daniel and I did last night. We have a little grill that Daniel modifyed last year and we use it for our fire pit. It was so nice to sit by it last night and grill some steaks, listen to some nice music, and enjoy the crisp fall night. Today has been nice but clouds are starting to roll in and its suppose to rain by tomorrow morning. Alot of rain for tomorrow night.
I also bought a pumpkin and a yellow mum at the farmers market that is by my school. Daniel had bought some bales of hay for our big dogs bed in the backyard and he had gave me one to use to sit my pumpkin and mum on.
Yesterday I helped Mom finish up the Fall shipping tag books for our ATC group. They sure did turn out so pretty and I know all the participants will love them when they recieve them next week, I treasure mine! I will post pics of it once I think most everyone has recieved theirs.
I finished up my "Daisy friendship quilt piece" I will mail it out tomorrow to Kai who is in Ohio.
This is it below.

It has quote at the top of the heart that says "Friendship, the golden thread that ties all heart together." I like that quote.
This afternoon I went out and pulled up my cosmos by the road that the frost had killed the past few nights. I love fall but hate it when it frosts and my flowers start to die. It means colder weather has made its arrival.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful week-end, I know that I have!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sunny but cool saturday!

Yes its saturday and its going to be a nice Fallish saturday! This has been a busy week at work for me. Yesterday was a fun day though. We had Homecoming at the Burrodome yesterday. We call it Burrodome because we are the Hillsborro Burros.
We have a alot of school spirit at our school, the students and the faculty. We all wear our Burro shirts and beads on every game day.

This is me yesterday morning before work. With my beads and my shirt. It was a very frosty morning yesterday it was only 32 when I walked out the door at 6:00 a.m. Brrrrrrr.
We had our Homecoming parade at school yesterday afternoon. I took my camera to take pictures of all the festivites. Below is a picture of our crazy, fun loving Principal and 2 of our student office workers. He is a really great Principal!

He really gets into the school spirit with his green wig! Below are pictures of the floats that the kids made. We played a High School whose teams name is the Panthers. We were undefeated this year and so were the Panthers, so we knew it was going to be a great game. It was just a beautiful day for the parade in front of the school.
After the parade we proceeded into the gym for the Pep Rally. Its really loud and the kids get fired up!
Four boys were nominated to see who could sit on blocks of ice to see which one was the "Coolest Dude".

And then we had a Crystal hamburger eating contest to see who could eat the most crystals in a certain amount of time.
So it was really just a fun time yesterday. After pep rally the students were dismissed for the day. I stayed at work until game time as I had volunteered to sell tickets in the booth at the field last night. I worked for almost 3 hours, myself and another lady in one booth and 2 other people in another booth. I could not believe how many people showed up for that game. I didn't even get to see the game. I was wore out after my shift and really, really cold. The game was in the 3rd quarter we were tied 6 to 6. I went home and turned on my T.V. to watch the rest of the game. When I got home we were ahead 12 to 6 and thats how it ended. We won!! We have one more game next week and then we will be in the play-offs.
Hillboro has always had a great football team.
Today I am going to go up to Moms and helped her put together our shipping tag books. I also store my winter clothes at her house as I have very little storage space at my house. I will be bringing them home as the weather is so cool now and I have very few warm clothes here,lol.
I hope every one has a wonderful week-end and I hope you enjoyed a little school spirit from the Burrodome.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wonderful mail art!!

These are the great ATCs that I recieved today from my friend Mary Ellen. I just love them. Considering she has just started creating ATCs and I think she has done an excellent job. She is a great artist and I am so glad that she has brought her art to these little canvases. Thanks again Mary Ellen,,hope you get mine soon.
I am watching "Dancing with the Stars" tonight so this is just a shorty. I am also pretty tired too,,so I won't be up too late. I hope every one is doing good this evening and hope all had a good day.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fabulous Fall Day and Fanastic Antique Finds!!!

Yesterday was a great day. The weather has been like a add for Autumn,,absolutely Wonderful!! my brother and his wife came to visit us from Hartselle, Ala. He is the brother that I am the closest too, ,age wise and personality wise. My other brother is 10 years older so we haven't always been very close.
Of course I didn't take my camera up to Moms(like a dummy) so this was from summer before last of him and I at his house with Andy their big boxer.

Ricky is retired at the early age of 54 from a division of GM motors. That division went down this past spring and he took a early retirement with very good incentives,,so the lucky guy gets to stay home and enjoy life. His oldest daughter is the niece that I went to see Nickel Creek with a couple week-ends ago. Emily is just like her daddy so we are really close too.
We ate lunch at Moms and then went to my favorite antique store in downtown Dickson.
Dickson is a smaller city about 25 miles west of Nashville,,it has maybe 10,000 or more pop.,,
The antiques stores there are awesome,,I get some of the best buys at one of them. Today I racked up!! I am into old books, postcards, and wonderfully cheap ephemera to use with my art. I got some wonderful goodies today!!! And you will not beleive how much I paid for it all.
I got a big magazine called "Holiday". Its the size of the old Life magazines. This particular one was published for Easter 1950. It is a awesome magazine and in wonderful condition. I paid 50 cents for it. It is a travel magazine and has some excellent car adds and air travel adds,,also adds for clothes to wear on your trips. Great articles in it too. I went on e-bay to see if it was worth any thing,,but doesn't look that way. But it is worth alot to me. I am thinking of framing the car adds and hanging them in my guest room because they are so classy! Here are a few pics of the adds:

Whoever bought the magazine or had sent it to someone I think it was because of this article on cats,,they had wrote on the cover "cats pg. 61" It is a great article,,
I was taking these pics outside by my pond on the potting bench so my little curious cat had to check it all out. She is reading the article on the cats.
I am so tickled with this great buy,,,I see alot of art coming out of this magazine.
Ok,,on to my next great buys. They had these vintage postcards also for .50 a piece. They are the ones that open up and have about 10 cards inside of them. The art work is breathtaking on the cards. They were sent by a Prvt. who was stationed in San Francisco and were postmarked 1953. I am just showing the covers now and I will be trying to scan and show the cards inside in other posts.

I also found two little vintage cards that you put on packages,,for .25 a piece. And 2 wonderful vintage books. The one on the right is a botany book titled " American Weeds and Useful plants" that title cracked me up. Its not in the best of shape but the copywrite date is 1865. It has wonderful pen and ink illustrations of flowers and weeds in it. The book on the left is a German book with the title of "Hillern's Hoher Als Die Kirche" copyright date of 1917. The botany book was $1 and the German book was .80 cents. Again,,my head is full of art when I look at them. My son took German in High School and has a German dictionary so I will be trying to find out the title of the book in English, but if anyone here knows German, then please tell me what its title says.

This store also sells the little plastic sleeves for baseball/ATC cards. I can buy 100 of them for $1 or 6 packages for $5, so if anyone needs some let me know.
When I got home yesterday afternoon I sat out by the pond and took pics of my wonderful buys and some pics of the flowers that were looking so pretty on this wonderful fall day.

Today I am going to go get some pansys and work in the gardens. It is going to be another beautiful day. Too hard to stay inside when its like this. Plus some colder weather is heading our way for the end of the week so I need to gather my houseplants and trim them some so I can bring some inside and some to work with me.
I hope everyone is having a great week-end. I am off tomorrow for Columbus day and that makes it even better!! :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tired Thursday!!

This pretty much how I feel today. Just kind of tired and worn out. Wondering why I can win the lottery and quit my job. Its just been a fustrating day, but some are like that. A friend of mine stopped by a few minutes ago,,she use to live next door,,on the other side of me. She is 25 years old, single, and a traveling RN Nurse. She is back in town for a visit. She has been living in L.A. since May. Making mega bucks and having a blast! If I could only be young again and know what I know now,,I would do it all different. But you can't change time,,time changes you.
So,,not sure what else to say,,but hurry up friday!!! And hello to my wonderful friends!! Heres a few more Fairy pics for some of my Fairy loving friends.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My artistic friends!!!

Tonight I just want to showcase some of my wonderfully artistic friends artwork!!! The pictures above are two new pages for my Toscano book that my great friend Jeanie who lives in Michigan, did in my book. I just got it back from her yesterday, and it was such a wonderful delight to come home to this beautiful book that I recieved in the mail,,espiecally after a terribly hard day of work. She just added to this great book of art. I think I treasure this book more than anything I have ever owned as far as art work. All of my friends who have been in my life for the past few years have added their artistic talent too it. I constantly look at it and am in awe of the pages they all have added to it. It is a treasure to behold!! And,,there are a few more empty pages in it,,that I am hoping I can convince a few more treasured friends to fill up with their art.
And today,,,I came home to a excellent package in my mailbox. My dear friend Rosa had sent me her Halloween ATCs for my swap that I am hosting. She just recently started making ATCs and I am telling you,,I wish my first ATCs had been as great as hers are. I look back at my first ATCs and think,,,"what was I thinking",,lol. She is just a natural. I feel so lucky to have met her,,and I did through the great world of blogging. And to top it off ,,she lives just a few miles away. We are hoping to hook up and go to the Stamping convention that will be in Nashville in 2 weeks. Here are a couple of the ATCs that she sent today. I will not post all of them as they will be in my swap and I want some of them to be a surprised. She made a special one for me to keep,,which is the October one!

Are they not awesome? Thanks to both of these talented and treasured friends.
I am watching "Dancing with the Stars" tonight. I have to admit that I got kind of weepy when Jerry Springer danced the "Tennessee Waltz". I think its because it meant so much to him to learn that dance so he could waltz with his daughter on her wedding. He has said from the beginning that was his whole purpose for being in this show. And he ran over and hugged her after it was over. What a DAD!! But I do love Vivica too,,and Joey, and Emmitt,,what a hard time I will have on chosing a winner,,lol.
I hope every one is having a good week so far! I think about all of my friends alot,,and just wish I could be home every day and blog every day. I just got to win the lottery,,thats all!