While it was warm and sunny during the midday hours, I was out planting some Veggies in my garden.
Yes, thats me sitting on my little garden cart, way out there in the back of the garden. Is that not a big garden or what? We had it plowed or rather rototilled up last monday. I started planting some seeds the day after it was worked. And then on saturday I bought some Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage, and lettuce. Its ok to put them out right now as they are cool weather veggies. I have quite alot of other veggies and flowers that I started from seed about 3 weeks ago. I have a big cart that has 4 shelves on it that I can roll in and out of the garage that has all my seeds on it. Believe me, I have ALOT of Veggies and Flowers that have already sprouted and are just waiting on April 15th to go in the ground. Here are a few pics of them.
This is just a few pics of what all I have coming up. You name it, I probably have it. I Love to start from seeds. I do buy some plants too but its such a thrill to start plants and Veggies from seed. Here is a list of what all I have coming up.
5 different kinds of tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini(lots of that as we like to freeze it and make zucchin bread), onions, radishes, carrots, 3 kinds of cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, green peppers, chives, basil, parsley, gourds, banana peppers. And I have 5 different kinds of zinnia seeds sprouting up. Also several containers of Marigolds. I am so thrilled to be able to have such a big garden this year and several big flower beds. All of my perienals are popping up right now too.
But, back to my story about saturday. We had several big thunderstorms and tornadoes pop up on saturday afternoon. I have seen several tornadoes in my years and now its not to hard to know what a tornado cloud looks like while its in the sky. My first picture is the beginnings of it. When a tornado is in the sky it is a mass of swirling, angry clouds,,you can watch it rotate around.
We were lucky that it didn't pop down on top of us. We had strong winds,lightening and hail.
Our neighbors in surrounding counties actually had them to strike them. Luckily no one was killed. Here are a few more pics of what the sky looked like.
Of course, today whe I had to go back to work, it was beautiful and warm again. I came home from work and got on my riding mower to mow the backyard.