Monday, July 07, 2008

6 billion others

I found this cool site today and just had to share with everyone, just clik on the pic. Hope everyone had a wonderful week-end and have a great Monday too!


JessInFocus said...

Happy Monday!

No word on who is where yet...

Flower said...

That is quite the site!! The world just keeps getting smaller. People are sharing in ways that were unthinkable ten years ago.
I remember my first computer class and the explanation of the world wide web.
Anyway, thank you for bringing awareness to this site!!

Shopgirl said...
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Shopgirl said...

The world is filled with love if we only knew how to talk to each other. We tend to fear what we do not understand....It is so good of you to share.
Thank you for the comment on my blog, I had a really good time putting this together. This was fun! Your, Mary

Rosa said...

That's cool! Are you in there?