Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Blues!!!!

For the past 24 years I have been off in the Summer. I purposely worked for the school system so I could be off in the summer months, espiecally when my children were young. I felt like I should be home with them in the summers so we could have fun together and also for supervising them too.
After all those years I got so use to being off in the summer months. But this year when I took the new position, I knew that I wouldn't be getting my summers free any more. I told myself that I would be ok and that making more money would make up for the freedom. UH,,Wrong,,now that summer is here,,,I sure do miss being off!!! Oh well,,its just a give a take life. At least I get off at 2:30 and can still enjoy most of the day. Just a little Thursday whining session,,please forgive!
Hugs out to all of you!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long week-end and Yard sale!

Yes, thats what I did on saturday, had a yard sale. If you have had a yard sale then you know how much work that involves. I have some wonderful help. My dear hubby helped me set it all up on friday and saturday morning he put up all the signs for me. Then he had to go to the other house to work on it the rest of the week-end. So my dear Mom came over and sat with me all day. She also had some items in the sale.

So friday afternoon while I was setting it up I had a early customer. Do you see her over to the left of the picture, she is small and white with wings?

Yes, its little Ms. Lovey Dovey who wandered up to get some pre-sale bargins.

Being that I absolutely LOVE birds, I had to be the nice hostess and offer her some lunch. Well she must really love it here even though she didn't buy any bargins, as she is coming back every day now for a little breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is now our new little pet.
I have never seen white doves that just come for visits but she seems pretty happy here. When she gets her fill of seed she flys up to the shop roof and perches on the eve of the roof looking out at the back woods. I think she might have a nest out there somewhere.
Mom and I did really well on our sale on saturday. Here are some more pics.

Doesn't Mom look great? We had the best time setting up.
Look at that sweet smile!
I had to snap a shot of us together. I look horrible but I was tired and sweaty. Had my yard sale warrior kerchief on that day.
Nope,,she wasn't for sale!!!!
This is a very old jukebox that my brother sold in the yard sale. He got a really nice hunk of money for it too.
Now who wouldn't buy a wonderful Santa comode cover from that sweetheart?
And here I am advertising my spinner,,new in the package.
The rest of the week-end and Monday was spent down at the other house painting and foo-fooing to get it ready to put up for sale ASAP.
Yesterday afternoon we had some much needed rain with a few thunderstorms too. We came home and relaxed under the deck and enjoyed the coolness of the rain.
I took another day off today just to have a little "me time",,,Hubby went back to work so I have it by myself. Back to work tomorrow.
I hope every one had a wonderful holiday week-end!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My flowers, veggies and fruit!

Yesterday after work I walked around the yard and took pictures of my flowers.

Not sure what the flowers are called above, they were given to me and I brought them up from the old house. The flower below is an impatient.
Then of course the sweet little pansys with their pretty little faces.
Below is a picture of the new flower bed that my dear hub made me for Mother's day. I am slowly but surely filling it up. I am transplanting alot of my precious babys from the old house. I am glad that I can do that as they mean so much to me and its easier on the wallet too.
The flower below is a transplant. Its called a "Red-Hot Poker" plant. Its so unusal. I grew it from seed. Last year it was by the road at the old house and several people would stop on the road and ask me what it was. It will be even prettier next year when it gets use to its new home.

Yes, I actually have some green tomatoes on my pitiful tomatoe plant. I have plans to buy more tomatoes plants.
And below are the beginnings of a cucumber. The pretty little yellow blooms will be delicous cukes by this summer. I have 3 plants as I do love the cukes!
Next is the grape vines. My step dad planted these a few years ago. They make jelly with the grapes but my mind is saying "Wine".

The beginnings of the grapes below.
I also have a apple tree too. Yummy! I am hoping I can make some Apple butter!
Below is a picture looking up at my wonderful deck from the driveway below. Lots of flowers there and my hummer feeders. So far the hummers have been scarce but they will start coming in by June.
The front porch and my new flower bed of impatients that the hub also made for me.

Now Kitty says "Stop in and relax with me and Mom on the deck in the late afternoon spring sunshine!"

Stop in again and maybe we can have some wine, cucumbers, tomatoes and apple butter!!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A little Eye Candy for a Springy Tuesday.

I haven't had a lot of time to post lately due to work and gardening. But the following are some wonderful Art I recieved from a few swaps that I have managed to participate in lately.
Below are greeting cards from a greeting card swap.
Catherine From Australia

Jane W.
My precious Moms!
Bird ATC from Catherine

Fantasy ATC
Fantasy ATC
Bird ATC from Mom
Fantasy ATC

I was in a wonderful Color tag book swap. Below are the tags I recieved.

I hope every one had a great week-end and hope you all have a wonderful week!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Miserable with Poison Ivy rash

The Evil that hides in the flower beds!!! POISON IVY

Its been over a week since I have posted. Life just keeps me busy right now. Work is going strong, trying to get ready for our Graduation next Monday, schools out on Thursday. This is my first time in many years that I will not have the summer off. But I will take some vacation time here and there.
Last friday I took off at noon and went over to Moms and cleaned out her Iris beds. Well, guess what I got for a reward? A nice case of Poison Ivy. I wore gloves, just didn't wear a long sleeve shirt. I am so miserable with it. Mainly on my arms and a few other spots here and there. I took off Monday and went to the doc for a cortisone shot as that is the only thing that will help me get over it. When I was a little "tomboy" ,, I lived in the doctor's office in the summer getting shots for the dreaded Poison. So I am still highly allergic to it.
I hope every one had a great Mother's Day. I know I did. It was espiecally wonderful because I got to spend it with my wonderful Mother and Children. There was a time that I wasn't too sure I would get to be with my Mom this year but prayers were answered.
Mom is doing really good now. She is getting around really good too. Her back doctor told her last week that her fracture was healing. Imagine that, and this was the doctor who was saying she would need to have more surgery to remove all the hardware? She is using her cane now and not using the walker all the time. She goes out and sits in the yard with me while I work on her flower beds. She went to several garden centers last saturday and she has been to Michaels.
Yep,,Mamas Back!
Hope every one is having a great week so far!!!