Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just a little art!

Just wanted to write a little shorty and show a little ATC. I made this ATC for a swap I am in. I Love this stamp, its from Oxford Impressions, I have alot of their stamps as the owner is a member of our Tennessee Stampers group. Actually its the hummer that is OI stamp. The coneflower is a Hero arts stamp.
I started at my new position in new school yesterday. I worked 9 hours trying to get them caught up. As in all new jobs, I am going to have to decorate my office and make it my own. I do have a nice, new Air Conditioner that will run me out of there when its on, but hey, I am not complaining after 2 weeks of misery. I really am glad to be there and once I am settled and caught up it will be even better.
I do believe that I am going to have to go see my doctor ASAP. I have a Urinary Tract infection and it is not getting better despite drinking alot of water and all the other cures I have tried. I am also having an extremely tough time sleeping lately. I was up at 2:30 this morning. I can't stand to lay in bed when I can't sleep, too many thoughts and worries creep in. So, I just get up and get on the computer or work on some art. So guess I will be giving the doc a call today and seeing about getting in there this afternoon.
Oh, its suppose to really cool down by this week-end. Highs only in the mid 80s,,can you say brrrrrrrr!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well and having a great week so far!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My daughter the Graduate!

This is daughter on her Graduation night this past Thursday. She graduated from the Technology College after taking Data processing this past year. I was so proud of her. She also started a new job on the same day. She is using her new skills at a wonderful company and making a excellent salary. How wonderful is that, graduating and starting a new career on the same day.
Below is a picture of her and her big brother. He will be taking the State Trooper exam next week, in hopes of getting on soon.
My babies are so growing up now and I am so very proud of them both!!!

I am finally going to get to start in my new position next week. Tomorrow I will go to a training class with other Registrars, then Tuesday I will be at my new school. I am so ready for this new step in my life.
Last week was truly miserable. The heat was so unbearable! Our school system only made the students go half a day, but us poor adults had to stay and suffer. Of course my office had no air and I just couldn't stay in there after lunch or I would have been on the news being carted out on a stretcher from heat exhaustion.
We had a little bit of rain last night. I just went out and stood in it as it has been so long since I have seen it. I could just hear all of nature saying "Thank-You". It didn't last long but it was wonderful and it cooled us down. We are suppose to stay under 100 next week and then rainy and in the 80s by next week-end. That will feel like fall. We have so suffered here in Tennessee this summer. No humidity, just dry, hot heat. We have broken alot of records for heat and drought and they are saying it will take us a few years to recover from it all.
I hope everyone is doing well and that you have all had a great week-end!!! I will try to post some next week but I might be rather busy learning my new job.
Hugs to all!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday's art

Just had to show that I have been doing some art even though I am back at work again. The pieces above are Mosaic 4 x 4 s that I am doing for a swap. I went with the black and white theme. They didn't scan that good and I think its because of the plastic eye that kept the lid from shutting completely on my scanner. But they were fun to make and easy too.
The next 2 pieces are 4 x 4s that I have recieved lately from some swaps. The piece below is a mosaic one too and it is from a girl that lives in Prussia on a boat, wouldn't that be a blast. I have seen her website but I don't have it saved. I will look for it later and post a link to it.
I Love the Autumn theme that she used and the papers are awesome too, she even weaved the red and brown square and they are only 1 inch squares, bet that was fun. The next 4x4 is a swap I did on time and this is one I recieved back. I forgot to scan the ones I made,,duh.
I like this one alot too! Well we are still in the midst of the heat wave. Its has been cooler this week-end with the highs only 100,,burrrrrr. Its clouding up some and little pop up showers have been popping up,,just not popping at my house yet,,darn it. We have had 13 deaths in our state since the heat wave. On friday a student in one of our schools in Nashville, got sick from the heat and had to be taken off in a ambulance. Of course that made the news. That night I got a recording from the schools saying that on monday the students will only go a half a day because of the heat. Some of the buildings are having real problems with air conditioners going out,,like in my office and other parts of our building. So the students get to go home but not us Adults,,,we all have to stay and just suffer through it.
So far I haven't been released from my position to leave and go to my new school and position. I am getting pretty pissed about it too. They still haven't posted the openning on the website and they have known about it since Tuesday. The man that is over my position at the school board has been bugging them to let me go on to my job. I think its a power struggle and I am the one that is getting hurt because if I am not there I don't get the increase in pay. I hate games espiecally when it hurts my purse.
Well enough whining,,I hope every one has had a wonderful week-end. If your in the south with me,,then stay cool, and if your someone who has rain,,,then PLEASE send some our way and cooler temps too!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I got it my New Position!!!!!

I did get my new position!!! This is a picture of the School. Its a very old school but refurbished and classy inside. It was built in the 1930s. There is also a very nice park in front of the school too. Its a nice neighborhood and I think when it cools down I will be taking some nice walks on my lunch break.
I went for my interview Tuesday morning. I was so lucky because when I walked in the building the woman that will be over Guidance and my position, turned out to be a Guidance Counselor that I use to work with a few years ago. She is very nice and was so happy to see me. So that helped alot too. She and the principal, who is also very nice, interviewed me. She talked about what a great job I did for Attendance when I worked with her, and that helped alot too.
Ten minutes after I left and was driving back to my school, they called and offered me the job!!!
Now I am waiting on my Supervisor to release me from my position that I am in now so I can start over there. I am hoping he will do it soon as I am still in the un-air conditoned office and suffering from the heat. Yesterdays highs here were 105, the same for today. I came home pretty sick from the heat yesterday too, don't know how much longer I can take it.
I do want to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all my great friends who kept me in their thoughts and were sending alot of lucky my way as it sure did help alot!!!
Thanks Thanks Thanks!!!
Hugs to all of my Blogger Buds,,your the best!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A nice award for a miserable day!!!!

My dear friend Maryellen had this award for me at her site today. I sure do appreciate it, espiecally today. I am back at work now and my office's air conditioner is broke,,out of gas. Now don't that figure since we are in our 3rd straight week of a heatwave. Its only 103 outside today,,and my office feels like its at least 100. I stay in here for a few, then go somewhere and cool off.

But wow,,I can actually blog this year,,,last year there was a filter that wouldn't let me blog or look at blogs,,,hope it stays this way.

Ok,,I am trying to get another position with the schools. As I said on my last post,,I will have to drive a long way when they move my office. And Attendance is getting alot tougher and I dont' feel as safe doing this job any more. The new position that I am trying for is a 12 month position. No more summers off if I get it, but thats ok,,I will get plenty of vacation days and sick days. My pay will go up considerbly too. And more money will go into my pension for retirement. The position is not very difficult ethier and alot closer to home. So If you, my dear friends, will please send some positive rays my way and remember me in your thoughts,,,I sure would appreciate it alot!!! If I don't get it I will keep on trying for other positions until the right one comes along. Oh,,and PLEASE SEND SOME COOL WEATHER my way too,,lol!!!!

Hugs to all my friends,,,and Thanks again for the award, Maryellen!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot and back to work blues!!!

Yes it has been a very HOT past week here in Tennessee and no rain in over 2 weeks. I have had some pretty bad luck this past week too. During this heat wave our Central air conditioner decided to die on us. This happenned last saturday when it was 99 degrees. We luckily have a room that we added on to the house that has a window air conditioner. We lived in that room until Monday as the inside of the house was 95 and above. Our Air repair guy came out on sunday and told us the unit was shot and we had to buy a whole new unit. As you can imagine this was a very costly event for us, but there was no way around it, not when the temperature is this ungodly hot. So on Monday we had a new unit installed and was enjoying cold air again by that night. This one has a heat pump on it and should save us money on our electric bill in the winter.
So I went back to work yesterday. We had a inservice day and recieved some very bad news. In about a month to 6 weeks my office will be moved to the other side of Nashville. I live west of Nashville and I will have to drive 4o miles to the east side of Nashville during rush hour traffic. Which means in order for me to get to the office by 8 a.m. I will have to leave by 6 a.m. and I get off at 4 p.m. and if I am lucky I might get home by 6, if there is no rain and no wrecks.
Needless to say, I am very upset and disgusted at this point. Trying hard to rack my brain to figure out how I could quit work and find something better. I just don't see it happenning though. I have worked for the schools for 23 years and hoped to retire from there with a nice fat pension. I have no college degrees so there is no other job that I could take that I would make as much as I do now. Right now I feel as if my luck has really gone sour on me. I keep telling myself that this is just a little bump in the road and maybe I will believe it one day. I do know that I will have very little time to do any art swaps or any art at all. And that really depresses me. Oh well,,thats just the way life goes sometimes.
So thats whats up with me at the present time. I hope to be able to do some blogging and I will try hard to stay in touch with everyone.
Yesterday it got up to 104 here and little cooler today with highs around 99,,hows that for a cool spell,,lol.
I hope everyone is staying cool and hope everyone has a wonderful week-end. Hugs to All!!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thursday's art

I haven't posted all this week. I have been working on alot of swaps that I am in. Trying to get them finished before I head back to work next Thursday. Above are some vintage ATCs that I have been making. The last two of the the little girls were made with transparencies that I stamped on.
Its been so terribly hot here this week and no rain except some late afternoon pop up showers and they haven't been popping at my house. I have been watering the flowers every day but they just dont' look so good. Nothing can replace rain water.
I hope every one is doing good and staying cool.
I do want to remember the people in Minnasota who lost their lives on the the horrible collaspe of the bridge yesterday. I always have a fear of that when I am stuck on a bridge in traffic. That would be a horrifying nightmare to go down with a bridge. My thoughts are with them all.