Woke up today to a nice cloudy sky, and a slight chance of rain. Keeping my fingers crossed that we get it. Amazing that just west of us in Texas and mid-west they are getting floods and we haven't seen a drop in over 2 weeks. My flowers need rain, the old hose pipe chlorinated water just doesn't work as well.
I work outside most of the afternoon, had to yank up the pansies(saved a few to press). By this time of year they dying back. I replaced them with some favorites, periwinkles. I was up by the road yesterday playing with a sprinkler and this guy stopped in his truck. I am thinking he is going to ask directions, instead he told me what a beautiful yard I have and that is always looks great. Well that makes all the hard work worth it. When a stranger stops and says such nice compiments.
Today I am staying in and doing a little much needed house work,,then its in my art room the rest of the day. Tomorrow my son and I are going to go canoeing together, should be a fun time.
I am leaving you with some ART. The pic above is the cover to a deco that I made. In one of my groups we are doing tip-ins for decos. Which means you send 4 people the pages and the theme for your deco and they make pages for you and send them back. My theme is "By the sea".
The pages below are by my good friend Colleen.