Monday, June 20, 2011

Well Hello,,,Remember me? Probably not as it's been SO LONG!!!

So,,yes, I am really posting.  And all I can say is,,yes,,,it has been a few since I have posted.  I don't know. I just felt like I really didn't have a lot to post about,,lol.  And I guess I just got a little tired of blogging.  But I am going to give it another shot.  I hope I remember how as it has been so long and my brain has a lot of Senior moments. Ha Ha!
And here we are in the Sweet Summertime.  I sure have enjoyed having summer back again.  It was a LONG and VERY COLD WINTER.  And wow,,I don't even want to talk about what a horribly destructive Spring that we had here in the South.  It was one of the scariest ones that I have been in since 1974.  I was very lucky that none of my family in Alabama were effective by the devastation there.
Yep,,,I am enjoying the summer!
You know I have the pool set back again.  I sure do Love to hang in it.  Probably hang there a little too much.  But whew,,the two weeks after Memorial day were so HOT & DRY!  It stayed in the mid 90s and the humidity made it even worse.  And by dry I mean we had no rain.  But last week we finally started getting some rain again.   Much nicer!
And of course,,,I have been working in the yard  and have a garden again..  This year the garden is smaller.  It's more easier to have a smaller garden when your the only person who can tend to it.  Last year mine didn't do so great.  My parents and brother were going to the Farmers Market and buy produce to can and freeze.  So this year I only have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash and zucchini.  I really only care about the tomatoes and cucumbers as far as what I will can this year.  If the squash produces well I will freeze that too.
Here are a few of my flowers,,haven't took pics of the garden as I had to replant it when some hungry bunnies decided to feast on it.

These pics above were taken a few weeks ago. Need to get out there and take some more as every thing is really looking so lovely right now.  I was so hesitant to put out all of my figurines in the yard yet because we are going to be getting a new roof soon.  The first bad storm that we had here in April damaged the roof to the house and to our detached Garage/shop with straight line winds.  That was a scary storm.  But, the Hub and the Contractors that have been to give us estimates have said they will be very careful of my flowers and my yard art. (whew).
And last, but not least,,,I have been doing some Art off and on.  I have so enjoyed doing a lot of drawing and using my pens, markers and watercolors.

Yes,,they are kind of strange,,it's a blend of Zentangles and Fantasy flowers. But it's so relaxing to do these.  
I am in the process of revamping my Art Studio too.  I have purged a lot of the materials that I haven't been using for a while.  In fact, I think I am going to try to set up a E-bay account and start trying to sell some mixed media materials that I no longer use.  Just got to figure out how to do that.  
My Mom is doing really good right now.  Stepdad is stable.  He has really had a very rough time this past year.  He now hows a permanent Cathe as his bladder was damaged so they made a incision into his bladder.  It's better to do it that way as less chance of infection.  I don't go far away from them now days.  My stepbrother is still living with them too.  But I try to do all I can for Mom by taking her to all her doctor's appointments and to her sister's house and to her weekly hair appointment.  I also planted her flowers this year and take care of them too.  Sweet Mom's pic below from this spring!
Yes,,as you can see,,I truly did not disappear, well maybe from blogger world.  But I am back and going to try a lot harder to post much more often.  And try to catch up with every one else.  I have missed you all and you have all been in my thoughts.  Now I am off to visit as many as I can.  Then have to do some grass cutting and then you will find me where I am in the picture below.  :-)  See you soon.