Well my patio table made it here yesterday. The truck driver called from the truck stop and asked if I could come down there and pick it up. I told him yes if it would fit in my trunk,,he said it would. So I went down there and met him and he crammed it in my trunk,,and I drove slowly up the ridge hoping and praying it wouldn't fall out,,and it didn't,,thank God! I got it out of the trunk and leaned it on the car for Daniel to wag down the steps when he got home from work.
When he got home we went out to the pond and he put it together,,its just your basic bronzeish wrought iron table. Hey it was made in the good ole USA,,and of course it was missing a lug nut,,lol. But luckily my husband that hoardes all kinds of screws, bolts,,etc...,,had a extra one for it. He said he could just picture some old hippy in the factory,,stoned from his lunch hour,,only putting 3 lug nuts in the bag instead of 4,,lol. The table is alot nicer than the plastic table that I painted with the krylon plastice spray paint that has started peeling off. But now I want to find some really nice chairs to go with it, instead of the plastic chairs that I spray painted and they are peeling too,,lol. I figure they will have some sales pretty soon on chairs. And its not like we are going to be sitting by the pond in this heat,,but by mid-september it will be nice out there again,,only 6 more weeks,,lol.
I stayed up late on sunday night and did alot of art. I have alot of swaps that I am in right now and I want to get them all finished before next thursday. So I am posting the pics of my masterpieces,,lol.

This is my "Ace of Diamonds" card for the Art Deck swap. The theme this week is your favorite quote.

These 3 are for a "formica chip swap" that I am in. These are the chips that you get from home supply stores,,that are hanging where you pick our what kind of counter tops you want for your kitchen. You can take as many samples as you want. Of course I have several and I figure the store clerks think I am actually glueing them down on my cabinets and making my own counter tops,,lol. I love to work on these,,this is the larger samples.

These are pins that I make from the smaller formica chip samples,,I have made alot of these and have given them to friends. They just make the greatest pins,,and I love to add the beads on the bottoms.

These are pins for another swap that I am in. They are made with coin holders.

And last but not least, is some jewelry that I made. The necklace is for a "Love bead" swap that I am in. I will be sending it to my partner today. They were fun to make. You were to use whatever beads that you had on hand. I have zillions of beads,,love beads! The bracelet is for my sweet niece,,who hinted to me last friday that she would love a bracelet,,lol. I am sending those to her and also a check. She bought our tickets to go see the band "Nickel Creek". They are going to be in Nashville on Sept.23. They are playing at the Old Grand Old Opry house, which is the best accoustic theatre around,,they have fixed up really nice too.
Well I guess I better go make some more hummingbird juice. They are wearing me out on the feeders. I am now having to fill the little feeders in the flower boxes up 3 times a day. The bigger feeders last a couple of days. I have around 10 of the hummers who just love the little feeders. The dive bomb me when I walk out on the front porch if their feeders are empty,,lol. To be so little they sure are aggressive. I will be staying inside today and doing more art. I have to finish my Quilt art page for this month before next week.
Hope everyone stays cool today! Glad to know my friends out west are cooler,,now blow some of it this way,,lol!
All masterpieces. The first one, about the friend and the heart song - really touched me. Wonderful quote, and even more wonderfully put together - colors & the fade away... It's beautiful!
Hi bethie...Busy...Busy...everything looks great! I've been super busy..trying to squeeze some art in...today I take Toby to the groomers...tomorrow it's a doctor's appt. Your on a roll girl! Post a pic of your new table!
hey mama. don`t worry bout not having any friends, i`ll always be ya friend & yup, i`m sorta kinda busy with my life right now but ya know, i`m gettin my grown woman on. but, i probably will be coming over this weekend so you can look foward to that. love you !
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