The first one is Time- Ace of Hearts

The next card was Journey-Two of Hearts,,I love this picture of the girls traveling in the Stage Coach,,and I think the quote fits the picture.

This morning I made a ATC for a Alphabet ATC deck. This weeks letter was A, so I used the word Artist and used a picture of my most favorite Artist- Vincent Van Gogh! I love all of his art,,and I could relate to his mental health issues,,as I have suffered with depression for many years. Starry Night is my favorite picture and I guess one of his most famous.
Here's Vinny

I shall probably be in my Art room most of the week as it is going to get Hot here again. The mid 90s tomorrow and high humidity so it will feel like 100 or more.
I am expecting a package tomorrow. Daniel ordered us a nice patio table for our pond area and they are delivering it tomorrow in a 18 wheeler truck. Now this is always interesting,,when you get off of our exit there is a truck stop at the bottom of the ridge,,I mean you can't miss it,,its a Petro. Well for some reason,,alot of trucks go right past it(fatigue maybe?) and they head up the ridge toward our neighborhood. We have a very curvy road too. Well they get all the way to our 4 way stop and figure our they have missed the truck stop,,and they will sit at the stop sign blocking the road trying to figure out what to do,,lol. Our neighbor across the street use to be a police officer,,and bless his heart, if he is home he will come out and help them out of their jam by standing there and directing them how to turn around at the 4 way and go back down the hill. I have seen him out there one night in one of the worst thunderstorms and heavy rains helping these poor drivers out. I bet tomorrow he will wonder if he is going to have to come out and help my table delivery driver out,,lol. I want to go down to the truck stop and meet them there but I don't have truck,,I might try to talk Daniel into keeping his truck and do this,,but he's like "No,,they can bring it to us",,,Stubborn man,,lol. It should be interesting.
Hope every one has a wonderful sunday!!!
I guess rainy days are really good for creative thinking....I love the artwork you did. I agree with the "girls in the stagecoach" quote.
I hope your table arrives without too much hassle. (We're having better temps so maybe I can actually get outside and enjoy my patio!!)
Yes we had one hour of rain yesterday, I danced around the garden in it. It is now slightly cooler, and quite windy today. We could still do with a good downpour though. I have spent some of today being creative, my daughter's, best friend is getting married next weekend and I wanted to make a wedding card for them. You have been very busy too I see. Love xx
Neat art, I like the Van Gogh, and the ladies on the train - reminds me of riding trains in Europe!
All week in the art room, more masterpieces showing up soon!!!
Your art cards are beautiful!!
Beautiful work Beth. We have a lot of VanGogh around the house thanks to my daughter's love for his work.
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