I am finally able to sit down and blog today! Its been a busy one trying to catch up around here. I spent the night with Mom on friday night and stayed up late making some awesome fall greeting cards, and then we went to our Rubber Stampers meeting yesterday. The meeting was really good,,we meet out in some very pretty country side in the little community center. Its not that far and just a pretty ride to get there. We only had 10 at our meeting yesterday,but it was the perfect size to really have a great time. We got so busy learning new techniques that we almost forgot to eat lunch,,lol. When the "Sassy Stampers" (our groups name) meet,,we bring lots of good food to munch on all day long. We learned the stamping on acetate technique and filling in with glue and glitter that I taught,,then another stamper taught us how to stamp on the acetate and then paint the image with glue and water and then daub on pearl ex powders with stiple brush,,let dry and then back the image on a dark piece of card stock,,that turned out really pretty too. We stayed busy until 3:30 in the afternoon,,then cleaned up and went home. But we really had a nice time.
I dropped Mom off and then headed home. The most I did last night was lay around and watch my home football team, The Titans, get beat by Atlanta in the last pre-season game. So sad,,I am a real big Titan fan,,and their stadium is downtown on the river bank. I have been to one of the games there and its a blast. They have not been playing well for the past few years and I was hoping that would change this year since we got a new Quarterback,,but its not looking too good.
I had some great mail yesterday too! My dearest friend Vicci sent me a wonderful package of some scrumptous wallpapers and other little goodies! She mailed them in a Pringles potatoe chip can,,so cool. I loved them,,they will be great for my collages!! Thank you Girlie!!!!
I also got my Tuscano Deco book back. It is a wonderful book that has been passed around to many of my very talented, artists friends this summer. It is a amazing book and I am in the process of scanning it. I will post a link to my webshots when I get it scanned and uploaded.
Oh and also when I got home,,I had to spend almost a hour on the phone with a really nice technician from our internet cable company. My computer was being stupid and the modem wasn't comuticating very well with it,,so after doing a zillion things trying to get them talking again,,the girl who was helping me and I talked about our lives,,and found out we were really alike,,lol. But it was nice having someone to help me that was friendly and fun and best of all spoke English,,lol.
Since I played yesterday,,I have had to do some cleaning today,,and getting some swaps scanned and ready to mail out. After I post my blog I am going to have to go out and do some watering,,my plants are so thirsty. The heat index was 99 today,,but rain is moving in and suppose to cool down some the rest of next week. Oh and we have a soon to be Hurricane Ernesto heading up towards from the gulf,,so every one down that way are getting pretty nervous. They think it will veer toward the panhandle of florida and then head back east toward Georgia and the Carolinas,,we might get some rain if it does go that way. They are all praying that it doesn't head toward New Orleans as they think it may be a Catagory 3,,which is what Katrina was when it hit a year ago this wednesday. Its still a real mess down there,,clean up has been very slow,,and the levees are still subject to breaking again if hit by another strong hurricane. Praying for those that will be in its path no matter where it goes.
So today I am posting some pics of some of my swaps that I am mailling out tomorrow.
Below is a pic of a laminate formica sample that I did. These are the ones that you can get at the home supply stores. I think these turned out so pretty.
The next pictures are of a coin holder that I turned into pins for a jewelry swap.

Mom had to make 3 for me and she did some wonderful one of Bonnie Riatt whom I love and got to see in concert this past December.

I am going to try to post more art endeavors tonight,,but now I must go prepare a meatloaf for dinner,,then go out and water my precious dried out flowers. Keep hoping a stray shower will pop up and do that for me,,but not looking to promising. I hope every one is having a wonderful sunday!
Wow! You have been busy, girl! I like all the artwork you posted here. Sure sounds as if you had a fun day with the stampers learning new things.
We're keeping an eye on Ernesto, too as we have lots of friends down in that part of the country.
Great pins Bethie...why didn't I think of turning those coin holders into pins!!!! Cool! Love the cards! You have been busy busy...what with work and all! XO...
Your swaps are gorgeous! i wanna swap with YOU! Hey, guess what I did? You know I went out to Paper Moon, like you said. I signed up for a class and forgot about it!!! So typical me. It was yesterday morning...duh. I'm hoping they'll let me go to the next one otherwise $ down the drain! Oh well. Such is life. Your stuff is so great. Loved seeing it all!! Oh, please let it be cooler!!! Please!~!!! xo
Some great artwork there, Beth, Turning those coin holders into brooches is a lovely idea. I have just been busy clenaing out my work boxes today, as they were just so messy, have clipped a lot of images I might need and dumped the rest of the pages. So good bit more space. Love xx
Wow, such beauty. All so gorgeous. Hope your week goes as smoothly as possible. Any yes, hope you post more art too. We like it for sure.
Your artwork is great, Beth! I especially like the laminate formica pieces... you'd never know how they began their lives!
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