Just a hello tonite,,another long day,,but I did manage to go out and take some pictures when I got home. Don't you love the sedum,,on the left? It will turn orangish brownish soon,,so pretty in the fall. The little red wagon has been around for awhile,,Daniel had to refurbish it a couple of years ago,,I just love it. It had a beautiful petunia in it and the pretty impatient,,but the petunia isn't looking so great right now due to the long hot and dry weather we have had lately.
I am suffering with a bad case of Poison Oak right now,,due to me pulling a weed that I should not have pulled. I have been putting all kinds of cream on it,,but I think I have found a cure,,I looked on the internet for "old time cures" and also people at work have told me too,,,scrub it with bleach,,So when I came home from work,,I got the bottle of bleach and have been working on it and its not itching so bad. When I was little I would get it so bad that I would have to get shots for it. So,,I am trying to get rid of it before I have to go that route,,lol.
Its on my hand and my forehead,,and trying to go towards my eyes,,which I don't want to happen. So I will keep fighting it.
I am going to go up to Mom's tomorrow night and spend the night as we will be having a monthly meeting on Saturday with our Rubber Stamper's group. I am going to teach a technique on how to stamp on transparencies and then fill it in with clear drying glue and micro glitter. You can make some very pretty greeting cards and sun catchers with this technique. We always have a great time when we gather with our group members. All women like us that love to make wonderful art.
So glad tomorrow is TGIF,,its been a long week!!! I hope all my friends have had a great week and that all is well with them and their family. I will probably not post again until Sunday,,but here's a few pics until then.

Pretty pics! That technique you described sounds very interesting. Wish I could stop by and get the lesson in person! I need to learn some new stuff.
Poor you! I'm allergic to poison ivy too. Ivy dry was always the best although it only worked for a short while. Go to a health food store and ask for some herbs for it. Hope it's gone soon. Yuk! (Oh, and your flowers are still so pretty. Mine are almost completely dead. I'm ready to move on now to fall!!!)
Hope you have a lovely time at your mum's, I met your mum the other night, she commented on my blog and I commented on hers and told her what a lovely person you are. Say hello to her from me, I said I would pop back to her blog another day to comment again.
The idea for making suncatchers sounds really interesting. Have fun. Love xx
Hi Beth: Poison Ivy eh? Yuk. My sister got so much attention when she got poison oak reaction when we were kids. So I'd go out and rub it on myself, even in sores to try to get it. Ultimately I ate it thinking for sure I'd get it. No allergy here. In retrospect and watching others suffer, I'm sure glad. Children can be so wild. Love your garden pics. OH, hey, I couldn't get that side bar thing to work for nothing. Hope this week is better for both of us.
Love the coleus Bethie...all the different colors! Poison oak sucks!!!! I hate it!
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