Today was a very busy day at work. As usually the beginning of the year is hectic at most schools. And I forgot to take my camera today too,,I have a note to remind me to take it tomorrow,,lol,,sad when you get old you have lists so you won't forget,lol.
So I came home this afternoon and laid down for a few. I find if I come home and stretch out at about 3ish,,then I feel better and can get up and do the chores,,and then play outside or do some art! So tonight I worked on several projects and that made me feel better too. Its so nice to come home and do my art because it helps me forget about the stress of the day.
So I made several ATCs tonight, and then also this card that I am sending to a friend. I used one of my own butterfly pics on it. Its was just a simple and fun little thing to make. I have used alot of my flower and butterfly pictures this summer to make some great cards. I was thinking the other day about how my love of photography was a great gift from my Father. He was a great photographer, he has some very nice cameras and his photographs were awesome. It was his favorite hobby! So I understand why it gives me so much pleasure to take pictures. I keep telling "Santa" how much I really want a new digital camera for Christmas,,lol. I really want the Cannon that has different lenses on it. I am worth it,,lol.
Well I better hit the bed,,5 a.m. is too dang early for this old girl,,lol.
aww your not old your only as old as u feel. lol im on palace wit k right now were actin silly! u got a great daughter. weve been friends for 7 or 8 yrs now n neither one of us has changed much! lol thanks for the comment on my blog. and yes my couch is pretty i love it it the nicest one ive ever had. ttyl 1!
Hey girl! Guess where I went today! Papermoon!! Thanks for the tip. I was right there yesterday, believe it or not, and when I read your note I had to giggle. I got some nice paper and some other junk. I even signed up for a scrapbooking class with some famous scrapbooker, Lord knows who. hehe. Now, is the photoshop or is that a real collage? I can't tell anymore, but of course, not I am looking a little closer!!
I make lists and then forget to read them! Glad you're having time to do some art after work. A little nap works wonders, huh!
Your photos of the butterflies are so nice....it must be great to have your gift handed down from your father.
I hope Santa brings you EVERYTHING you want Miss Bethie!!!!
Nice card with butterfly on. Beth, I have to live my life with lists, there are always so many things to do, my daughter does too, she says she gets her listmaking habits off me. I have to write lists otherwise I forget to do things and there is always the satisfaction of crossing items off your list. Love xx
hey kiddo, cut with the "your old" stuff. You are so young still. I'm 60 and still alive as can be. By the way, write yourself another note to send me the instructions for puting the strip down the side on my blog. You said you would. Please oh please oh please. I love the sunflower, my kitchen is decor'd with sunflowers everywhere you look. And thanks for sharing your office pics.
Hey girl! Your friend must be very happy cause your card is full of happiness and good mood. Well done!
Beth...beautiful card and I love that flower. I know exactly what you mean by art making you forget everything and it's so fun to be able to create something. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I Love your card Beth,,your such a good photographer!
The colors on that butterfly are awesome! It goes together really great with your ATC collage!
Be extra sweeeet to Santa for the next few months...
Butterflies and sunshine now how much better can it get! Love this card!It was made for me!
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