It sure was a nice week-end. I really enjoyed getting to stay home and puttering around my yard. We finally got a little bit of rain early sunday morning. A little is better than none. Above are pictures of my newest flower bed in the front yard. Next year it will look alot better as all the perienals will come up fuller by next year. Some more pictures of it below.
The vines that are running up the trellis are my moonflowers. They will soon start budding out and blooming. They only bloom late in the afternoon and early evening and they smelly heavenly. They are sisters to morning glorys. Below pic shows how thick they are going to be this year.
On friday afternoon I went next door to Mom's house. We sat out on her back patio and enjoyed the evening breeze.
We put some pretty impaitents and geranium baskets all around the wood fence that goes around the patio. The geranium below is one that my Dad and step-brother gave her for Mother's Day. It is full of blooms and beautiful.
And below is my Sweet Mom and her fur baby, Sassy! Mom is doing better and keeping her legs elevated and wearing her compression hose on her legs. They are not swelling as bad now, thank goodness!
So this work week is going to be a short one for me! I am working today and tomorrow, taking vacation days on wed. & thurs., and celebrating our Patiotic Holiday on friday! So, I am in a very happy mood for a monday!
I hope everyone had a truly great week-end!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, Monday!
Friday, June 27, 2008
I plan on spending some time outside in my gardens this week-end too. I want to take some pictures of my flowers. I went to Lowes yesterday and hit the half-price racks. I Love those racks because the flowers look so pitifully neglected but not yet dead. I snatch them up and take them home and pamper them and plant them. I can almost see a smile from them when they settle in and start growing. Kind of like neglected animals or anything thats neglected, give them some TLC and they bloom and repay you with beauty or happiness.
There was a terrible news story that came out of the county next to ours this week. They busted a lady who was running a puppy mill and had 700 dogs, some in very deplorable conditions, also some who were not living any more. I just hate to see these stories. It makes me sick at my stomach. They are asking for donations to help the volunteers and Humane Society workers who have arrived from all across the country to help these poor dogs and get them placed in much better shelters or loving homes. I am going get some dog food and old blankets for them. It truly breaks my heart because animals, children, and the elderly are all so inocent and I cannot stand to hear stories of harm and neglect being inflicted to the inocent ones.
Ok,,thats my rant for today.
If you like the cute picture at the beginning of my post, I found it at this blog.
I hope every one has a wonderful friday and a excellent week-end!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesdays treasures

I had to work at the old house all week-end. That is getting so old and I am SO READY to get a 4-sale sign on that house.
On monday I took a nasty little spill at work. I caught my foot on the file cabinet drawer and twisted my ankle. It happenned to be the ankle that I broke 8 years ago and had to have plates and pins put in it. So I hobbled down to my car and went to emergency room for a 3 hour wait. I had it x-rayed and everything looked ok. They put a gel splint on it and I kept it elevated with ice on it for 24 hours. I stayed home from work yesterday and by late afternoon was able to put more weight on it but its still pretty sore. I will return to work today.
I was lucky that it was ok.
I was also lucky last week. I won a the ATC lottery in my yahoo group. So that meant I recieved several ATCs from some of the talented ladies in my group. The card above is from a wonderful friend named Susan. Below are some more wonderful cards I recieved.

Below is a chunky book page that I did for a swap that she was trying to host. It is called "Remarkable Women". I, of course, chose Lady Bird Johnson. I am taking over the swap and will be helping her put the book together and sending it back to the artists that participated.

Well I sure hope all of my wonderful blogger buds are doing ok and that your all having a wonderful summer so far. Thanks for letting me share and please remember my Mom in your prayers.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Year ago today!
I was in the most amazing city. A city that I always wanted to see and feel and breathe. A city that never slept. It was so totally amazing and a vacation that I will never forget. I am so glad that Mom and I went last year because now that she has had the back surgery I don't think we could have done it this year or ever. Its a week in my life that I will never forget. And I want to go back again one day. Here are some links to my posts that I did last year when I returned from the Big Apple and New York State and the Beautiful Mohonk Mountain which is 2 hours north of NYC. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Beautiful Summertime!

I wasn't too crazy about her husband but she had class in my book.
I hope every one is having a wonderful summery week!!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Have a great week-end!!!

I feel better today, thanks for the kind comments. I guess I just had a "whinny day" yesterday. But friday is here and life is better. Hope everyone has a great week-end!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Another digital collage.
I am just kind of down today. So much has been going on in my life lately. A little good and some not so good. But thats the way life is I guess. Mostly I miss having friends who I can see more regularly and talk to more often. When I was younger I had alot of friends but then marriage and babies and all that good stuff,well then friends lose touch.
For the past several years I lived next door to one of my bestfriends, then she moved away and then I moved away, but we still see each other at least once a month and she is going to come spend the night with me next monday night so that will be fun.
I have met alot of new friends while blogging. I do enjoy that. I have also met some friends by doing my arts and in being in groups.
I know this is just a temporary stage that I am in right now. So for now I will just take it a day at a time. I have learned through the tough time I have had this past year is the friend that has been there the most for me is my Higher Power whom I talk to all the time. I know I would have not made it if he hadn't been by myside through Mom's operations and other issues I have had to deal with lately. He brings me peace when I talk to him . Happiness and peace is what I strive for most in my life.
I hope every one has a wonderful Thursday,,tomorrow is TGIF time for me, that will make me feel better too!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Photoshop fun

3 a.m. in the morning. Why is it when you wake up and can't go back to sleep, you lay awake and worry and fret about every thing and every body? I just have to get up and do something else. I know its all the stress and pressure I am under right now that causes my body to rebel.
Usually when it rebels I want to eat every thing in sight, but wow, this time I am having to force myself to eat, not complaining about that side effect, ha! But I am eating healthier, as I just love the fresh fruit and veggies that comes with the wonderful summer season. Just being cautious about buying tomatoes until our homegrown ones are ready to purchase.
We recieved no rain yesterday and not calling for any until saturday, sure hope we get some then as its been almost 2 weeks without it. But I am feeling very bad for my friends up north who are having storms and horrible floods, not good.
Hope every one has a wonderful wednesday.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Monday's Marvelous Mail!--Hope you can see my posts now.

It is a picture of the "The Pont des Arts" (Bridge of the Arts) in the beautiful city of Paris!
Thanks so much, Girlfriend. Please go read all about her wonderful trip on her blog.

The cards below are some ATCs that I received in the "Far East swap" in my yahoo group.

I just wanted to share all the goodies that I received last week. It is so nice to come home to such wonderful surprises in your mailbox,,so much better than just finding bills and junk mail in the box.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and my thoughts are with you all!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Flowers from my other house!
Below is some of my day Lilys.
A close up shot of a ornamental onion.
A old shovel in a bed of speariment and lemon balm.
Then a walk down the path by my shrub roses that are blooming like crazy right now.
Of course a muddy little Brat Terrier had to get in the photo,,she is such a ham!
Next we go out to where the pond was at and we have my beautiful clematis that is awesome this year.(of course it is since I don't live there now)
I Love the seed pods that are left on the vine after the clematis blooms.
This is one of my pretty pink roses.
And it has a little visitor that took shelter during the rains the night before.
Next I spied this guy hiding out in the ivy and ferns. He is a Box Turtle. And how do I know its a "he" ? Well just keep on reading.
Can you see him down in the lush greenery?
Ok, now we get a little x-rated. After spotting Mister Turtle I stopped taking photos and went inside to paint on the dining room. After a while I came back outside to take a short break. I went back out to the pond and sat on the bench and then I looked over at the flowers and saw Mister Turtle and he was uh,,,well,,,you can see what he was doing below.
I was totally shocked and had to run in and get Daniel to see this uh, romantic rendezvous. Daniel was awestruck too. We both had to stand there and gawk,,and the happy couple didn't seem to mind. Is that not a look of determination in his little beady red eye? And where is the Mrs. Turtle? Ummmm,,I don't think she was in to it as much as he was. Doesn't that just figure? Ha!
I just was so amazed by this "sunday in the pond" affair that was going on that I just had to take numerous pictures of it. Daniel and I had never had the fortune to see mating turtles. Mister Turtle was pretty aggressive. I had to come home and read about how box turtles mate because it was a very National Geographical moment in my life.
I hope every one had a great week-end and are enjoying the sweet summer time. I know Mister Turtle was !!! Ha Ha!