It sure was a nice week-end. I really enjoyed getting to stay home and puttering around my yard. We finally got a little bit of rain early sunday morning. A little is better than none. Above are pictures of my newest flower bed in the front yard. Next year it will look alot better as all the perienals will come up fuller by next year. Some more pictures of it below.
The vines that are running up the trellis are my moonflowers. They will soon start budding out and blooming. They only bloom late in the afternoon and early evening and they smelly heavenly. They are sisters to morning glorys. Below pic shows how thick they are going to be this year.
On friday afternoon I went next door to Mom's house. We sat out on her back patio and enjoyed the evening breeze.
We put some pretty impaitents and geranium baskets all around the wood fence that goes around the patio. The geranium below is one that my Dad and step-brother gave her for Mother's Day. It is full of blooms and beautiful.
And below is my Sweet Mom and her fur baby, Sassy! Mom is doing better and keeping her legs elevated and wearing her compression hose on her legs. They are not swelling as bad now, thank goodness!
So this work week is going to be a short one for me! I am working today and tomorrow, taking vacation days on wed. & thurs., and celebrating our Patiotic Holiday on friday! So, I am in a very happy mood for a monday!
I hope everyone had a truly great week-end!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, Monday!
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I am so glad your mom is doing better! Love the flowers! Hope you enjoy your extra long weekend. Good look with the realtor!
I go back to work on Monday. I am excited to get back, actually.
Beth, thank you for your response on the poem.
It surely makes me think when I meditate on the words.
Helps me with my children also.
I love your garden.
You can see by my post that my garden is new.
Nice to get to know you.
Have a great day.
I always enjoy seeing pictures of your looks so pretty. Nothing seems to do much where I live so I have to enjoy everyone else's flowers!
I'm glad your mom is doing a little better. She looks good in the picture.
Everything looks so pretty, especially your mom! Yes, two great minds, you and I!!! Looks like you finally got some R&R in. Good for you! xoxo
Tell Lottie that she is looking pretty snappy! And your garden is looking terrific! You and your green thumb have my greatest admiration!
Your flower beds are lovely! So glad to see Ms. Lottie up and about and looking lovely as well! Enjoy your upcoming long weekend. I just had one myself that has been very nice.
Give your Mom a big hug, she looks so cute. I love your flowers, these are beautiful pictures...have a great week, Mary
Your new garden is great!! Isn't it fun to lay them out and see how they grow!
It's good your mom is feeling better and her little dog is so cute. I'm sure she enjoys the time sitting on the patio with the beautiful flowers around her. It's good for the soul!!
Let's all take it in!
Moon flowers?
Sound like fun!
Glad mom is on the mend!
Whew! Our loved ones are doing so much better and we are happy to see that! Your mom is looking great! Isn't it nice just to have time to breathe!
i forgot all about moon flowers! i had them years ago and they really are lovely! and i see your hummingbird feeder too. i love their antics. they are such daring souls. you sound very excited for your holiday and i am happy your mom is doing better. enjoy the weekend!
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