Well finally Blogger seems to want to be nice to me. After 2 days of trying unsuccessfully to upload pictures, it is allowing it today. I went to their help group yesterday and there were alot of pissed of bloggers complaining about the same thing,,so I didn't feel so alone.
Just thought today that I would post some pictures of where I spend a good bit of my time. My precious Art Room. It used to be my daughter's room,,hence the purple walls,,(she's a purple lover like me). It is junky,,I know,,but hey,,I cleaned and organized it on Sunday,,so this is good compared to most of the time,,lol. This is my main desk where all my pens, pencils, and all the stuff necessary for my rubberstamping. Then there is my bulletin board,,which I love, with all my neat art stuff hanging on it. Underneath is my precious rotary paper cutter(Daniel got it for me for X-mas). All the white plastic boxes are full of ephemera and stickers,,lots of stickers. The first picture is my sewing area. And I have art all over the walls and on the shelves.
I made a banner yesterday. I saw it in the recent Somerset magazine,,and decided to make one that says ART on it. They are really fun to make and I will post a picture of it later. I also finished a fall deco, and working on a few more techniques that I had been wanting to try.
So today I am going to get out of the house for a few. I have been in here since sunday playing Ms. Artsy. I am going to go get my nails done and get some groceries. Now,,I am not the girly girly type,,but I do like having nails. I bite mine,,I have since I was a embryo,,and I have big manly looking hands,,so nails do make my hands look much better. And I use them alot in my crafts,,lol,, like having built in tweezers. Thats about the only $ I spend on myself,,and a occasional haircut and when I really want to spoil myself I do the pedicure too. Now that is a luxury,,sitting in a massage chair with your feet soaking in a delightful whirlpool. Then they scrape the dead skin off your feet and massage your feet and legs,,that feels so wonderful. I always tip the girls and guys quite well for the manicures and pedicures,,as they have just made my day,,lol.
Its suppose to be up to 92 today,,and humidity is rising. We have a bit of a tropical depression in the gulf that is headed our way and bringing some much needed rain,,but also more humidity. Ugh,,,2 weeks from tomorrow,,my butt will be back in the work mode,,yuck! But it has been a good excuse to buy some much needed new clothes lately. Last week I bought several Capris and blouses at Macys. They had a great sale on them. I bought some Fallish looking ones as I can wear them up till the end of October. It was so nice buying a new smaller size,,it helps to keep me motivated to keep on trying to lose and excercise.
Well I better go get busy and get ready to head out. Hope my friends to the west are staying as cool as they can,,I worry about you all out there!
Love your space bethie....and have fun getting your nails done...I'm trying to get caught up with my art...but it's still pretty hot!
I'm so jealous of your tidy work space! It looks great.
(If you email me - it's on my profile) I'll give you a tip about photos.)
Great pics. I love your artroom.
Love your art room. I would love to have my nails done but I can't stand wearing gloves while gardening so it would probably be a waste of time. Yes blogger has been troublesome these last few days, it took ages to accept the photos for my last post, and without them the post didnot make sense. Must be the heat! lol!
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