Today she was pretty discouraged about still being in so much pain. They didn't do alot with her this week-end but told her to be prepared because tomorrow and the rest of the week she was going to be VERY busy. She is going longer between pain meds now and is more like herself.
This is her room and all of the wonderful cards that every one has sent to her.
I know she is missing home and my dad and her sweet doggy, Sassy. But I think she will make progress once they really start the PT with her.
I just wanted to post tonight and tell every one Thanks and to please keep on keeping with the out pouring of Love. I know it has gotten us this far and I know it will get us even farther.
You all are so wonderful. I hope every one had a great week-end!!!
She looks excellent. I am so glad to have this image in my head now rather than the one I did have. Her room is so cheerful. The woman is blessed with so much care and love directed at her. Looking forward to her progress.
Your Mama looks so good!!
So proud for her and you
I really like that card bouquet...neat idea!!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Beth, she looks terrific! What a great post, and what a relief to see a good post after all you have both been through. What a joy her room is with all the cards and banners! She can add another in a day or two -- I posted a get-well card with a birthday tag inside for her!
I'm very happy for you both. I know -- it's a long ways to go. But this is so much better than before. And I have to be sure the pain -- or the liion's share -- will pass.
Thanks for giving us an update on your mom. She looks good....and so does that hot fudge sundae!! She seems to be getting lots of attention and love and that's so important. I'm so happy for both of you. I know it hasn't been easy but hopefully things will be better from now on.
Oh how great to see you mother looking so good. I'm glad she has such wonderful support and visitors. Being home is always the best.
Lottie looks so good! So glad to even see her sitting up! Yay. I am so happy. Yep, gonna visit her either tomorrow or Wednesday. Now that you tell me bad weather is coming tomorrow, maybe I'll make one of my famous pound cakes for her and the nurses to enjoy. Ya think she would like that? Does she like lemon? xoxo
Yes she looks great! Give her a great big hug for me. I am so happy that she is doing well. The pain will get less and less I'm sure.
Hi to Lady from Annie too.
Mom looks so cute, she is loving that ice cream sunday...yummmm!
I am so glad to know she is doing well, all these thoughts and prayers count. She will be ready for spring...a new begaining..
Big Hugs for you both, Mary
All those cards...great!
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