We got up yesterday and since it was a pretty, sunny Sunday. And there was a wonderful 50% off coupon in the paper for our favorite store, Michaels, we went there and I got to use my gift card that my hubby gave me for my birthday.
When we got home, Mom came over and we made these pretty arrangements. She had alot of antique teacups that were my Grandmothers so we used them.
It also helped us to get our minds off of the operation that Mom will be having this afternoon.
So, this morning I am getting ready to take her to the hospital. Her operation will be at 1 p.m. this afternoon but she has to be at the hospital at 10:30 this morning.
I have been dreading this day for the past several months. I am trying to have faith that all will turn out fine and that she will be pain free once she heals from the operation. I am still pretty nervous.
I know that one day I will have to be without my Mom in my life, as she is getting older, but I am just not ready yet. Just the thought of it makes me physically sick. I just want to have as many years of fun with her as I can. When I was a young teen-ager I didn't get along with her as most teen-age daughters don't get along with their Moms. But that all changed when I matured and became a Mom myself. She has been with me through all the hard, hard times and all the good times too. There is nothing she wouldn't do to help me and there is nothing I won't do to help her.
Unfortnately, my daughter who is almost 21, has very little to do with me right now. I don't know if that will ever change or not. I pray that it will as I would love to be as close to her as I am to my Mom. I try to accept my daughter's differences but some of her ways are very self-destructive and it just hurts me so very much. All I can do is pray that one day she will realize what she is doing to herself and try to change the negatives into positives. I Love her so much and only want her to have some happiness and Love in her life.
Well, I guess I better get off of this machine and get ready for a very long day.
Please keep remembering me and my Mom in your thoughts and prayers. I will try to keep everyone posted as best as I can. I will also get my dear friend Rosemary to post on her blog how everything is going. It might be a while before I can post again.
Much Love to all my friends!!!!!
Beth - Keeping your mom in my prayers today. Every thought is a prayer.
Praying all goes well for your sweet Mama!
That is a wonderful idea with the teacup bouquets!
They look great!
I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
I can't think of any better way to take your mind off the surgery than to do lovely and creative things with your mom. I remember my mom and I doing things like that together and they are joyful, special memories. I'm so glad your mom is here and I am confident you will have many crafting sessions yet to come! Hugs!
I'm going to be praying for your mom from now until I hear something good. I hope every thing goes really smoothly!Blessings!
Oh Bethy, those arrangements are so pretty! So glad the operation is behind you both. And I am so relieved the doctor said it all went well. Hang in there gf. You have a long time ahead with your mom. You two will be cutting a rug before you know it! wink. xoxoxoxo
I was reading on Rosa's blog that the operation went well...such wonderful news to hear!! I've been praying for your dear mom and will continue to do so. Your mom with her back and my friend Steve with his leg...we'll have to cheer them on through their recoveries:-) I'm very close to my mom too so I know how you feel. Having lost my dad when he was only 48 years old, my mom has been the world to me and I'm terrified of losing her as well. Those little flower arrangements you and your mom made are so delightful and what a great idea to do them in antique cups!! xoxo
Those cups look great and so springy! I can't wait for spring to arrive already.
I hope that everything goes well with your mom and that you can have tons more crafting sessions!
I wouldn't worry too much about your daughter. Almost all of us go through those types of phases and then go back to liking our parents. Heck, my brother is not the brother I've known for the past 5 years, he's changed back from a self-destructive state to a better state (but still somewhat self-destructive) so it does get better. You just have to give it time.
Your mom is beautiful! I went to Rosemary's to check on her. Happy she is ok. She is lucky to have you for a daughter. I'm hoping your own will come around. Mine did. It just takes time usually.
Gosh I used to visit Rosemary a long time ago and it got lost. Thanks for finding it for me again.
I heard from Rosemary that all went well. Huge sigh of relief! I hope your mom's recovery is swift and that soon she will be home and creating more beautiful art.
Your relationship with your mom is so special and so wonderful. You are very lucky to have that and maybe one day your daughter will realize that, too.
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