Yes, I have been creating all day! Trying to get all the swaps that I am in finished before Thanksgiving. I have almost completed all of them, whew! It was the perfect day to stay inside and work in the Art room. It is a cold, blustery winter's day. It even sleeted for a few minutes this afternoon. Daniel was bored and put up our Christmas lights. We are the first on the block with our lights up,lol. They are really pretty, I haven't been out to take a pic of them yet, but I will soon.
Friday night was nice. My daughter Kalyn came out and spent the night. I so enjoy having her around. She is really growing up and starting to mature. She is going to school and taking Data processing and also working at Macy deptment store during Christmas. We built a nice bonfire in the fire bowl and sat outside talking.
Yesterday morning I had to take her to work. Then I ran to Michaels and bought Mom a Christmas pad with wonderful papers in it, I had bought one earlier in the week and she wanted one. I ran it up to her and then went to Wallys and bought a good bit of our Thanksgiving staples. I am lucky as Daniel is the Turkey and Dressing cook. He loves getting up really early and making it. I do all the sides and desserts.
Well I decide that today I would post a meme, that has been in several friends blogs. I have not done one in a while. So here I go.
A is for age:
I am 44 years young.
B is for Beer:
I love Beer, but I only drink Rolling Rock light as it has less carbs in it.
C is for Career:
I am the Lady that makes you go to school. Its funny because I would have had someone like me chasing me when I was in High School, lol. Yes,,I skipped occasionally.
D is for my Dog's Name:
2 dogs, Lady, the Brat Terrorist, inside dog, and Ranger, the protector of the back 40.
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday:
I would say the computer, but I do use the tolit too,lol.
F is for Favorite T.V. Show:
Grey's Anatomy
G is for Favorite Game:
Cribbage and Backgammon,,I love both of them and Daniel and I play alot of both.
H is for Hometown:
I was born in Nashville, TN, moved to Decatur, Alabama when I was 7, came back to Nash when I was 19 and have been here since.
I is for Instruments I Play:
I can play the piano, took lessons for 3 years when I was young, but I am not that good at it, I would never practice, but I can read music.
J is for Favorite Juice:
V-8 juice,,it is what I am drinking right now,,I use it to make great Bloody Marys.
K is for Whose Butt I’d Like To Kick:
Can't think of anyone whose butt I would like to kick right now.
L is for the Last Place I Ate:
At home.
M is for Marriage:
Yes,,I am.
N is for my Name:
Sandra Elizabeth Kimbrough Deegan
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays:
Way too many for someone so young, lol.
P is for People I was With Today:
Just Daniel
Q is for Quote:
In his garden, every man may be his own artist without an apology or explanation.
-Louise Wilder
R is for Biggest Regret:
What good is regrets, you can't change the past.
S is for Sport:
Football, Football, Football
T is for Time I Woke Up Today:
5:30, hard to break a habit
U is for Current Underwear:
Blue with little flowers of course.
V is for Vegetable You Love:
All of them
W is for Worst Habit:
X is for X-rays I Have Had:
Too many to list
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today:
Pizza for lunch and Tater Casserole will be finished soon.
Z is for Zodiac:
I am Aquarius, the water bearer, and I love any kind of water, but the oncean is my favorite.
For some reason my scanner is not cooperating today so I can't post pics of what I made until I use my camera to take them. So I leave you with some more Winter Postcards. The picture at the top of the page is also a postcard.

Love your winter postcards, Beth. Yes I have seen that meme about too, and will tackle it sometime.
I really enjoy reading others MeMe. This alpha one is fun. I love the card below it too, fhe fancy lady with the purple and silver glitter coat. Oh la la!
Beth...your postcards are great! Loved reading the alphabet list. I used to play cribbage when i was younger and loved it. Now nobody knows how to play or even heard of it :o(
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