Yes,,,I was tagged twice in the past 2 days. Yesterday my dear blogger friend, Rosa, who also lives close by tagged me. And today,,my other dear friend Vicci tagged me. So I guess I will start will Rosa's tag first.1. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you descended from?
Yes,,,it would have to be the famous flower artist, Georgia O'keeffe. I just love, love, love her beautiful flower paintings and would love to be able to paint just like her.
2. Which famous person would you hate to learn that you were descended from?
Mean old General Winfield Scott who drove my kin folks , the Cherokee Indians away from their land and practically annilated them.
3. If you could be an ancestor to any famous living person who would it be and why?
Ok,,that was a hard one for me,,,but I guess it would be Thomas Kincaid,,also a artist,,because I love his paintings and if I was kin to him I would have alot of his paintings that he would have painted just for me,,lol.
4. If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor of yours, who would it be and why?
I am descendent of Sequoyah, the man who wrote the Cherokee Alphabet. I would love to meet him!! A very gentle and kind man from all I have read on him.
Me wierd,,no way!! lol
1. Fluttery moths give me the chills,,,I like moths,,just don't like them fluttering near me.
2. I cannot go to sleep at night unless I wash my face,,that might not be wierd but I just gotta have a clean face.
3.I will not walk on a swinging bridge,,,that gives me the heebie geebies.
4. I am tall and I cannot stand for my pants to be too short.
5.I always know whos on the phone when its ringing,,telepathic I guess,,,and sometimes I feel like something bad is going to happen and usually it does,,I get that from my Mom.
Ok,,for this one,,I choose to tag: Janet, Vicci, Jane, Mary Ellen, and Daisy
Now to Vicci's tag,,heres the rules:
The Rules are:
1. Grab the book nearest to you...no cheating!
2. Open to page 123
3. Scroll down to the fifth sentence.
4. Post text of next 3 sentences on to your blog....name the book and the author. Tag 3 people.
My nearest book was a old, old book called "Literture and Life"(copywrite 1929)"A brave new world, Benjamin Franklin's writings:
If your sitituation in life is a sedentary one, your amusements, your recreations, at least should be active. You ought to walk or ride: or play at billiards. But let us examine your course of life.
Hmmmm,,,now I went to the page it said and scrolled down to the fifth sentence,,,I do believeth that old Ben was talking directly to me on that one,,lol. How WIERD!!!
Now I have to tag 3 people,,,I choose Janet, My Mom, and Lisa.